
Over the years there have been a number of contributions to various Reformed ecclesiastical periodicals in New Zealand, USA, Canada and the Netherlands (e.g., Faith in Focus (of the RCNZ); Ordained Servant (of the OPC); De Reformatie (of the GKN [vrijg.]); Diakonia and Reformed Polemics (of the Can.Ref. Churches), Una Sancta (of the FRCA).

Scholarly articles include (all journals are refereed):

1994 “The Division and Order of the Psalms” in Westminster Theological Journal 56.2 Fall, pp. 219-41.

1997 “Of the Church: An Historical Overview of Westminster Confession XXV” in Westminster Theological Journal, 59.1 Spring, pp.177-99.

2001 “Spelen met ongelegen allegorieën. Het gebruik van allegorie bij Paulus in Galaten 4,21-5,1. Een methode van interpretatie?” in Exeget[h]isch: Feestbundel voor prof. dr. J. van Bruggen, (Kampen, Kok) 84-103.

2001 “An Exegesis of Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, 1:3-8,” Semi Jurnal Reformed Injili 1/2 (September): 55-68.

2001 “Extant Harpsichords Built or Rebuilt in France During the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: An Overview and Annotated List, Part 1” in Early Keyboard Journal 19, 69-171.

2002 “The Use and Misuse of Lausberg in Biblical Studies” in Rhetorical Argumentation in Biblical Texts: Essays from the Lund 2000 Conference, ed. A. Eriksson et al (Harrisburg, Trinity Press) 66-76.

2002 “Extant Harpsichords Built or Rebuilt in France During the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: An Overview and Annotated List, Part 2” in Early Keyboard Journal 20, 107-195.

2003 “Michel Corrette and the Stringing, Scaling, and Pitch of French Harpsichords” in Early Keyboard Journal 21, 65-84. (translation and discussion of an 18th century French text)

2005 Articles ‘Amen, voorwaar’, ‘bekering omkeren terugkeren wedergeboorte wederkeren’, ‘lied, psalm’, ‘rein, onrein’, ‘rust, rustdag, sabbat, zondag’ and ‘verbond, testament’ for Woordenboek voor bijbellezers, ed. A. Noordegraaf et al (Zoetermeer, Boekencentrum).

2006 “The Use of the Word ‘Amen’,” in The Integrated Life: Kehidupan Kristiani yang Seutuhnya: Sebuah Festschrift untuk Yakub dan Esther Susabda,Panitia Festschrift Susabda STTRII, ed. (Yogyakarta: Yayasan ANDI) 119-128.

2010 “The Book of the Covenant and Elders” in The Eternal Word Speaks Today (Wipf & Stock).

2012 “Progymnasmatic Love” (a rhetorical analysis of 1 Cor. 13) in Early Christianity in its Hellenistic Context, (Leiden, E. J. Brill) vol.1, 551-560.

2012 “Old Covenant vs. New Testament, The Dynamics of Covenant Theology from berit to diatheke” in Jurnal Teologi Reformed Indonesia 2/2, 81-93.

2015 “Homoseksuele hermeneutiek bij Paulus: 1 Kor. 6:9-10 onder de loep” in Oog voor eigenheid: Genre als blikrichting voor bijbellezers, ed. H. de Wolf and P. Niemeijer. (Barneveld, De Vuurbaak) 263-277.

2017 “Grappling with Paul’s Language: How a Greek Might Struggle” in The Language and Literature of the New Testament: Essays in Honour of Stanley E. Porter’s 60th Birthday, ed. L. K. Fuller Dow, C. A. Evans, and A. W. Pitts. Biblical Interpretation Series 150 (Leiden, E. J. Brill) 241-260.

2019 “Surprised by Paul: The Apostle Among the Philosophers and the Poets” in Paul and the Giants of Philosophy: Reading the Apostle in Greco-Roman Context (Downers Grove: IVP) 155-163.

2019 “Why are Ecclesiastical Feast Days in the Reformed Church Order?” in The Confessional Presbyterian 15, 81-88.

Books (extensive excerpts available through Google books)

1996 Ancient Rhetorical Theory and Paul (Kampen: J. H. Kok-Pharos). Revised edition 1999 (Leuven: Peeters).

1998 Co-editor of the English translation of Heinrich Lausberg’s Handbook of Literary Rhetoric: A Foundation for Literary Study (E. J. Brill: Leiden).

2000 Glossary of Greek Rhetorical Terms connected to Methods of Argumentation, Figures and Tropes from Anaximenes to Quintilian (Leuven: Peeters).

2008 1 Korintiërs: Orde op zaken in een jonge stadskerk, Commentaar op het Nieuwe Testament (Kampen, J. H. Kok). Second edition 2012.

2017 1 Corinthians: Creating Order in a New Urban Church (Armadale, Western Australia: Pro Ecclesia) Second edition 2022.

2018 Surat 1 Korintus: Membereskan Jemaat Urban yang Muda (Surabaya: Momentum) – a translation and revision of the 2nd Dutch edition

2022 The Laws of the Book of the Covenant: Introduction and Commentary on Exodus 20:22 to 23:19 (Armadale, Western Australia: Pro Ecclesia)